Tune into this Breakin Bread mix, “TRIBUTE TO GOLDEN ERA MIX TAPES “RED & KID” – DJ Shoki aka Yakult”, one of their latest DJ mixes dropped on MixCloud. This mix is 01:04:45 mins long and if you dig this mix, then check out more from Breakin’ Bread on their page.
Skeg met DJ Shoki whilst on a visit to Tokyo. Shoki’s record selection and style on the decks was dope so Skeg asked Shoki if he wanted to do some mixes for The BB show. This is his second mix for us and he takes us deep into a Golden Era time of a world of underground hip hop mix tapes . This is a big nod to Red Alert, Kid Capri and a bunch of other underground DJs who influenced a whole generation of worldwide DJs. A proper hip hop mix to take you back there! ENJOY
Shoki on SoundCloud:https://soundcloud.com/dj-shoki-aka-yakult-dealer
Artwork by Yo! Bros Pro.
Online Shop:http://yobrospro.buyshop.jp
Hip hop,Breaks,Funk,Mixtape
This mix has been favorited 214 times so far.
About Breakin Bread
Breakin’ Bread is a Hip Hop, Soul, Funk, & Disco Collective, based in UK London. The Collective operates a club nights, radio shows and even a record label. The club nights and record label have been active since 1998 and specialize in dancefloor mayhem. check them out if ever in the area.
YES YES YES….this is the real deal…Perfect MIX! I’m transfering this to a cassette tape and boom rockin’ it with my Boomboxes!
Wooooahh, dopeness!
‘Head spins get better when on the marijuana’ not they don’t
This is great, thanks DJ Shoki!