Tune into this Breakin Bread mix, “80’s Rap Special”, one of their latest DJ mixes dropped on MixCloud. This mix is 02:02:01 mins long and if you dig this mix, then check out more from Breakin’ Bread on their page.

The Breakin Bread posse all got together in the place to be for this 80’s rap special cos this is where we’re from and when we first got into the hip hop that led us to start diggin all the funk, soul, disco, breaks, beats and all that dope stuff. When we did get together we realised there was way too much decent hip hop from that decade to fit into a 2 hour show……..so lets call this part 1! Its all hip hop but in this era you can hear the soul, funk and disco tearing thru before the drum machines took over and the beats got harder and harder! Proper old school bigness. ENJOY!

Hip hop,Rap,Old school

This mix has been favorited 201 times so far.

About Breakin Bread

Breakin’ Bread is a Hip Hop, Soul, Funk, & Disco Collective, based in UK London. The Collective operates a club nights, radio shows and even a record label. The club nights and record label have been active since 1998 and specialize in dancefloor mayhem. check them out if ever in the area.